Recorded a new album Rust 25.8.2023

Sunday 3.9.2023 

We plan a new album Rust. Songs are written in New York July 2023. From recording session 25.8.2023 exists film material. Ninel Smaragda and Atomic Waldemar improvise sensitively and follow carefully the pulse and the song harmonies, some of them are the first or second takes from new songs.
Cover art is based on Tomi Christiansson´s photographs. They are not digitally edited, instead of one shots by camera catching the lights and shadows. The music and all the concept is heavily based on improvisation and carefully following inner pulse instead of metronome and machine beats and rhytms. So called organic music always differently interpreted. This album contains lot of surprising moments when the sounds and notes do a `clash` and a new notes are forming. You can hear upper notes beautifully filling the air and at the same time you could envision a whole symphony orchestra there, cause there is plenty of room.
The rock album contains lot of improvisation, feedback guitar solos, drums, synthesizer, bass. New genre baby takes carefully and bravely the first steps on the ground. It catches the sounds and rhythms totally different from the mainstream pop and rock music in the whole planet earth. It is waiting to be found; who are the first one to discover this spell binding new direction?

#coverart #CD #LP photo by Tomi Christiansson
Sweet Change
New York joggers
Heat - New York joggers
Bundle of Joy
Fine and Dandy