Matilda Mother band in New York street beat

New York street beat in July 2023. Matilda Mother band is documenting and filming in New York on summer 2023. New Genre baby crawls in hot summer streets. World travelers Pim and Pom create new material and film nice summer videos on the streets. Collecting street camera shoots for short film Street Beat.

Big Wings beat - Safely landed in New York July 2023

Big Wings carried us to New York to writing the songs again. the first day we met big man, who took care of us and walked with us to Hostel in Brooklyn. The song Big Wings tell about him and how we met him. this was night street beat in New York.  During this visit we stayed in Brooklyn, in kinda hostel. In that area you can feel strong suburbs street beat. 

Few days listening street beat in New York

21.7.2023 Five days now in New York. Four new songs have been written during second visit and demo recordings ready too. Big Wings, Venus fly trap, Steam and Greeting the Sun are the songs. Today, after the morning thunder storm headed to East Village. The plan was to look for suitable places in which to film some live playing. Went to Union Square park, which was very nice and had a great market, where people sold all kinds of biodynamic veggies and other products. Took a couple of detours going into wrong directions, when trying to get to the 6th street. Popped in to a cocoa bar after coming too many times in the same spot. Finally on the 6th went to A-1 record store. Found a Harry Patch record and Vashti Bunyan record. Meanwhile on the outside bambed to an artist and cat hotel keeper Mannie Garcia. He now has three our LPs and said he is a happy owner. He was waiting on a friend using those words and underlining the Rolling Stones connection. Round the corner came his friend, an artist too – from Puerto Rico.

We try to capture some moments and experiences from our work as we create New Genre baby

Statue of Liberty is almost on the opposite
One cent road - Hudson River
ending to Street beat document
Hudson River just before storm July 2023
New York July 2023 recording
Recording song Bundle of Joy near One Cent Road

Steet beat - documentary film

Filmed street views and street beats for document

trophies Streetbeat is starting to gain attention. It’s a short film shot in New York in July 2023. The genre is rockumentary, but there are no talking heads. It includes film from the summer streets, shooting street music and creating new songs in the hostel room; it captures moments of our lives and music.

There are some references to  places related to rock and jazz legends and clubs that we stumbled upon.

The film attempts to capture the irresistible rhythm and pulse of the city. Trying to show in sounds and pictures how it immerses one in its ongoing groove. It is all about beat and rhythm in New York or in any place you are staying. In music, in films, in photos, ets..

Filming song Greenwich Village in Greenwich Village

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Tomi doesn’t want to talk about his work, he doesn’t want to open up and explain. In fact, it’s written into his music and lyrics. They often contain a reference to rock or jazz music or an artist, such as the song Broccoli trees contains e.g. But they are not always obvious. filming broccoli Tree, it’s the only take with the Matilda Mother band, was very difficult for me: I heard it for the first time and I was just trying to follow Tom, singing the backing vocals and playing the drums at the same time.


Recording new songs and new beat

13 new songs is recorded as a demo or final track and about 5 -7 song lyrics are ready to be composed in Finland. First serie (3/2023) was called New York: an Observation vol.1,2,3,4,5, and 6. (All albums) and the second is New York:A Closer View; don’t know yet how much new material is coming out from this  second visit.


One Cent road in New York

Strolling round in harbour, Rockefeller Park had this great dreamlike fairytale thing where one can follow the one cent road. Two monkeys as gate keepers inviting for this path of incidents from tortoises to Gulliver & Lilliputs fiddler on the roof and such. At first it was a sunnie day with 50/60 per cent chance for rain. There was a lady with a selfie-stick going to and fro looking very serious with her mission.

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New York films and series

We plan to visit New York in November 2023, so what will be filmed and recorded? New York is one of the most filmed and used TV series in the world. I trust Tomis random generator head. It looks like he is lying on the couch doing nothing. But the moment we start filming or recording, he’s lightning fast and it’s hard to keep up.


Different cultures in New York streets

Maybe we just wonder and wander around: discovering again completely new things and aspects of the Big Apple, taking photos, filming and recording, creating a mix of that melting pot of cultures. And this time we´re trying to organize a gig in some club or bar. Ottos Shrunken head is one place we plan to go to.

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